Guide to Taiwan Telecommunications Engineering License
According to the description in “Telecommunications Act” and “Regulations for the Management of Telecommunications Engineering Enterprises”, Telecommunications engineering enterprises (such as Chunghwa Telecom and Far EasTone) which engage in the construction and maintenance of interconnection between or among the telecommunications equipment of Type I telecommunications enterprises, or between main distribution equipment in the switching office of a Type I telecommunications enterprises and equipment in subscriber’s premises are required to obtain a management of telecommunication engineering license from National Communications Commission after the registration of a company in Taiwan.
National Communications Commission is the supervisory and authority to issue the management of telecommunication engineering license.
The applicant shall be met with some particular terms for such application, including the minimum amount of capital, the qualification of engineers, and the necessity to join the industry association.
In general, if the submitted documents and information are correct and collected, the license will be issued within 2-3 weeks by National Communications Commission.
The validity of management of telecommunications engineering licenses is 5 years from the date of issue. It is compulsory to renew the license by 3 months from the date of expiry. In the condition that the company address, representative and business items are changed, it is required to report the fact and proceed the renewal of license to National Communications Commission within one month from the date of change.
1. Businesses Requires Management of Telecommunications Engineering License
According to the description in “Telecommunications Act” and “Regulations for the Management of Telecommunications Engineering Enterprises”, Telecommunications engineering enterprises (such as Chunghwa Telecom and Far EaseTone) which engage in the construction and maintenance of interconnection between or among the telecommunications equipment of Type I telecommunications enterprises, or between main distribution equipment in the switching office of a Type I telecommunications enterprises and equipment in subscriber’s premises are all counted as Telecommunication Engineering Industry
The registration of telecommunication engineering enterprises is divided into class A, B, and C; the operating ranges of the grades are as follows:
(1) Class A telecommunication engineering enterprise: conducts installation, maintenance, and construction of the interconnection of the telecommunication equipment between Type I telecommunication enterprises and of the main distribution equipment in a switching office of Type I telecommunication enterprise to subscriber‘s terminal equipment.
(2) Class B or above telecommunication engineering enterprise: conducts installation, maintenance, and construction of main distribution equipment in switching offices of Type I telecommunication enterprise to the subscriber‘s terminal equipment.
(3) Class C telecommunication engineering enterprise: conducts installation, maintenance, and construction within the demarcation point of responsibility of the subscriber’s building.
Generally Speaking, any company which intends to engage in the abovementioned telecommunication engineering services shall apply for such license from National Communications Commission in advance.
2. Application Requirements
Before submitting an application of management telecommunications engineering license, the applicant shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Company Registration
For enterprises which intend to engage in telecommunication engineering services in Taiwan shall register a Taiwan company first. Regarding to the procedures and quotation of Taiwan company registration, please refer to the “Taiwan Company Registration Procedure and Fees” made by Kaizen respectively. Foreign company is also available to operate this type of business in Taiwan upon the registration of a branch office.
(2) Company Address
The district of business location shall be legal to register such business item. The address is not limited within a physical address or virtual address.
(3) Minimum Capital and Personnel Qualification
Given that the registration of telecommunication engineering enterprises is divided into class A, B, and C, the minimum capital and qualification of personnel shall be met as following:
(a) Class A: The minimum amount of capital shall be more than TWD 10,000,000 or equivalent and employment of a professional telecommunication engineering personnel qualified for the term in the following 1st item at least, a professional telecommunication engineering personnel qualified for the term in the following 2nd item at least, and two professional telecommunication engineering personnel qualified for the term in the following 3nd item at least.
(i) Professional electrical engineer, electronic engineer, information engineer or technician with class A telecommunication line expertise;
(ii) Professional electrical engineer, electronic engineer, information engineer or technician with class B or above telecommunication line or class B or above network setup expertise;
(iii) Professional electrical engineer, electronic engineer, information engineer or technician with class C or above telecommunication line or class C or above network setup expertise.
(b) Class B: The minimum amount of capital shall be more than TWD 2,000,000 or equivalent and employment of a professional telecommunication engineering personnel qualified for the term in the following 1st item at least and a professional telecommunication engineering personnel qualified for the term in the following 2nd item at least.
(i) Professional electrical engineer, electronic engineer, information engineer or technician with class B or above or above telecommunication line or class B or above network setup expertise;
(ii) Professional electrical engineer, electronic engineer, information engineer or technician with class C or above telecommunication line or class C or above network setup expertise.
(C) Class C: The minimum amount of capital shall be more than TWD 500,000 or equivalent and employment of a personnel as following kinds at least:
(i) Professional electrical engineer, electronic engineer, information engineer
(ii) Technician with class C or above telecommunication line or class B or above network setup expertise;
(iii) Technician with class C or above indoor wiring, industry wiring, installation and repairment of distribution circuit, installation and repairment of distribution cable, installation and repairment of substation equipment expertise or electrician with class A or B certificate.
3. Application Procedure
For client who authorize Kaizen to apply for such license on their behalf, the application procedure as following:
(a) Client confirms to authorize Kaizen to apply for such license on their behalf and provides Kaizen with the required materials via e-mail;
(b) Kaizen generates the application documents for clients’ signature (Kaizen will send over the application documents to clients via e-mail and client sends back the signed copies to Kaizen);
(c) After receiving the signed documents, Kaizen will submit the application to National Communication Commission for approval;
(d) Kaizen will arrange the payment of license and obtain it for clients.
4. Materials
The applicant shall prepare the following materials in advance of the application for management of telecommunication engineering license to National Communications Commission:
(a) Filled out and signed the application form;
(b) Approval letter of business location;
(c) A photocopy of approval for company name and business scope reservation;
(d) Company incorporation certificate, article of association, and a photocopy copy of valid passport or Taiwan ID card of the responsible person of Taiwan company;
(e) A photocopy of related engineers’ certificate and Taiwan ID card of such engineer.
5. Processing time
Normally, if the submitted documents and information are correct and collected., the license will be issued within 2-3 weeks by National Communications Commission.
6. Renewal
The validity of management of telecommunications engineering licenses is 5 years from the date of issue. It is compulsory to renew the license by 3 months from the date of expiry. In the condition that the company address, representative and business items are changed, it is required to report the fact and proceed the renewal of license to National Communications Commission within one month from the date of change.
If you wish to obtain more information or assistance, please visit the official website of Kaizen CPA Limited at or contact us through the following and talk to our professionals:
Tel: +852 2341 1444
Mobile : +852 5616 4140, +86 152 1943 4614
WhatsApp/ Line/ Wechat: +852 5616 4140
Skype: kaizencpa